India has experienced a rapid growth of economy, and recorded rising in the share of the non-agricultural income and employment after economic liberalization (1991). But the sizes of work participation rate as a whole and especially for females are relatively low in India. The study of Indian labour market is significant because a large ‘demographic dividend’ should be accommodating in Indian labour market. Indian economy and its occupational structure suffer with some serious problems. Though the GDP growth in non-agricultural sectors is ever-increasing but employment in agricultural sector did not show any dramatic change. Rural transformation and employment generation in non agricultural sectors is associated with low quality of job as well as low wage earning. In this way disproportionate growth of three sectors of economy has developed. Only 13.4% (2011) workers are found in manufacturing which is considered as the base of economy. Growth of jobs in organized sectors (public and private) is almost stagnant during last decade. It is hopeful that, female contribution and participation in Indian economy is increased but a large proportion of them found to be ‘marginal worker’ and gender differentials in wage is exist. To get opportunity of demographic dividend more ‘good job’ should be incremented for educated and skilled young potential workers. In this regard different public skill development programmes should be more proactive and the curricula of college, universities should be modified as per requirement of the new job market. It is a great challenge for Indian economy to do so. This paper aims to discuss about the nature and extension of the structural transformation and tries to focus on demographic dividend opportunity in Indian economy.
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Kuntal Kanti Chattoraj. Post Liberalization Structural Changes: An Analysis of Indian Labour Market and its Occupational Structure. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2018; 9(3): 494-498. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2018.00083.9
Kuntal Kanti Chattoraj. Post Liberalization Structural Changes: An Analysis of Indian Labour Market and its Occupational Structure. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2018; 9(3): 494-498. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2018.00083.9 Available on: https://rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2018-9-3-4