Globalisation and modernisation make women as labour force with the aim of becoming them as financially independent. As women’s participation is growing in employment sector, they are witnessing the increasing incidents of sexual harassment at workplace. Sexual harassment now is becoming a burning topic of concern throughout the world. It has been a fixture of the workplace since women first began to work outside their own traditional periphery, i.e., home. Sexual Harassment directed against women at workplace by their superiors, fellow employees, or third parties interferes with the integration of women in the workforce, reinforces the subordination of women to men, and violates women's right to work. Sexual harassment is a clear violation of woman’s right to dignity. To safeguard the professional life of women, the Vishaka guidelines (1997) came into existence protecting women’s fundamental right to work in safe environment. The guidelines, directed toward employers, included definition of sexual harassment, list of steps for harassment prevention, and details of complaint procedures to be strictly observed in all workplaces for the preservation and enforcement of the women’s right to work with dignity. This paper begins with defining concept of sexual harassment and tries to point out the laws and guidelines to prevent the danger of sexual harassment at workplace. The paper highlights the imperatives that are vital for rendering executable and implementable policies, procedures and remedies. Research shows that the guidelines are not being properly implemented due to lack of reporting against exploitation and harassment by the victims. Through proper education and training programmes these issues can be tackled properly. To eradicate sexual harassment in the workplace few measures is being outlined for proper implementation of this guidelines; it will not only improve the working environment but also enhance the physical and mental health of the people. That will have positive impact on job performance, employee satisfaction, and organizational quality outcome. We must hope that the attitude of the male workers towards the female workers will change positively and the world will be free from this menace in near future.
Cite this article:
Barnali Maity. Vishaka Guidelines: Protecting Women’s Dignity at Workplace. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 7(4): October- December, 2016, 229-237. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2016.00037.1
Barnali Maity. Vishaka Guidelines: Protecting Women’s Dignity at Workplace. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 7(4): October- December, 2016, 229-237. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2016.00037.1 Available on: https://rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2016-7-4-2