In India, Women are termed as “Aadhi awadi” that means the half population of India but by the data of census the current Sex Ratio of India in 2015 is 943 Females/1000 Males. At the present scenario apart from gender discriminations, women have touched the new heights of success in every sector by their capabilities so Govt. of India has made many efforts of women employment for improve their financial and social status by safe working in every sector as government and private.
Since the tourism industry contributes average of the country’s GDP was 5.8 % and 8.3 % of total employment (ILO 2009). India is expected to be the second fastest growing (8.8%) nation in the world, over the period 2005-2015, tourism industry is one of the major employer of women, offers various job opportunities for independent income generating activities and seems to be a particularly important sector for women (46 % of the workforce are women) as their percentages of employment in most countries are higher than in the workforce in general (34 - 40 % are women, ILO data).
One of the service sectors is ‘Tourism’, the fast upcoming Service Industry on the economic scenario of the world and women are feeling as the “face” and “Brand image” of the industry. Here by this paper an attempt has been made to discuss the recent trends in tourism sector and to highlight the opportunity to work for women in this sector with special reference to India.
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Dinesh Kumar Jayswal, Mona Jaiswal. Women’s participation and Tourism industry: An overview. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 6(4):October- December, 2015, 269-273 doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2015.00035.2
Dinesh Kumar Jayswal, Mona Jaiswal. Women’s participation and Tourism industry: An overview. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 6(4):October- December, 2015, 269-273 doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2015.00035.2 Available on: https://rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2015-6-4-4