Plastic is one of the new and worst chemical materials which cause serious environment pollution and is certainly a cancer in nature. Plastic is regarded to be a biological hazard since it is almost non- degradable. Tonnes of Plastic waste are dumped everyday into the earth all over the world. The plastic become so popular in our society because of comparatively low cost, low weight and high durability. But sorry to say, these useful qualities make plastic a real menace to the environment. As it is so cheap that people discards it soon especially carry bags and disposable bottles. As these materials are long-lasting and difficult to decompose, it persists in the earth for many centuries resulting in enormous environment pollution. As a result of urbanization, most of the pollution is concentrated in cities. Plastic pollution is destroying the world’s entire ecosystems. The quality of environment in India is rapidly deteriorating with rising levels of plastic wastes. The heterogeneity of plastic waste is a growing problem of nuisance in the Indian cities and towns. The plastic waste generation is based on the socioeconomic conditions, degree of industrialization and climatic conditions in the cities as well as in the villages also. This is the outcome of inadequate infrastructure and improper management practices in India (Hosetti, 2006). Plastic is considered, as a marvel of polymer chemistry and became an integral part of our daily life as basic need. Waste for disposal is increasing relatively faster than the plastics consumption because of the higher share of long-life products in waste and the lower recycling rates of these products. Most of the plastic waste found is in packaging sector (52%) that finds extensive use in the industry and the domestic sectors. These plastics are non-biodegradable owing to which they do not decay easily and can remain for decades and centuries. This makes relatively a potential issue to be discussed over the bio-degradable components (CPCB, 1996,1998).
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Purushothama KV . Plastic a cancer in Nature: Trends, Problems and Policies in India.
Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2015; 6(3): 209-212 . doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2015.00026.1
Purushothama KV . Plastic a cancer in Nature: Trends, Problems and Policies in India.
Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences 2015; 6(3): 209-212 . doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2015.00026.1 Available on: https://rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2015-6-3-8