Since time immemorial human life is being controlled by two great forces called Religion and Politics. These act like protection wall of the society. The culture, civilization, science, education and other aspects of society find their development within these two forces1. Politics stands as a backbone to the external progress of man and religion stands for his inner enlightenment. Through the ages, these two forces are interwoven with the Indians life. From the beginning it is believed that Religion is the life-source of Indian society. Mutts and temples are the centers of social life.2 All religions of the world have their own religious centers. Before the rise of the concept of temple and God, nature worship was prominent in India. They worship nature as God through Yajna and Yagas (sacrifices). They imparted Godness to some invisible powers and called it as Lord Shiva during puranic period. We can remember that there are twenty five puranas related to Shiva. First, temples for Lord Shiva were constructed during Gupta period. Totally, one can say that religious practices entered to temples during this period. Since then, these religious practices are taking place inside the temples. Thus religion has developed as an integral part of the society.
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Prasanna. The Practice of Veerashaivism under Pagonde Palegars of Tumakuru District of Karnataka. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2020; 11(4):267-270. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2020.00043.1
Prasanna. The Practice of Veerashaivism under Pagonde Palegars of Tumakuru District of Karnataka. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2020; 11(4):267-270. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2020.00043.1 Available on: https://rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-11-4-2
1. Yogishwarappa .DN Sri siddaganga Educational Institutions p-1 siddaganga publicationsSiddaganga mutt Tumakuru
2. Ibid
3. Kalburgi. M. M. (Edi) Basavannanavara vachana Samputa. Vachana 821. Kannada pustaka pradhikara.vol.1. 2001
4. Build a temple or at least donate to a temple. Then only you will get mooksha or salvation
5. Thipperudraswamy .H (1985). Karnataka samskrithi sameekshe p-269.Mysore
6. Kalburgi. M. M. Dr. shasanagalalli Shivasharanaru.
7. Gosala channabasaveshwara was the disciple of Sheri Gosala siddeshwara, who came from Haradhana halli to spread veerashaiva principles in Tumakuru district. He was contemperor of Pagonde Poligars and also the ‘Rajaguru’ of Gubbi Hosahalli province. He went to Honnudike to preach the principles of the religion and he died there itself. On the request of Gubbi Hosahalli Poligars. His ‘Istalinga’ was brought to Gubbi and installed there and began to worship. Gopala Channabasaveshwara, has vast followers and they built a huge temple at Gubbi and charriot festival is taking place every year.
8. Yogishwarappa D.N (1999)‘Hagalvadi Nayakaru’ page 150 prasaranga, Kannada University, Vidyaranya Hampi.
9. Kalburgi M.M (1975) Ed ‘Sri Mallikarjuna kaviya Immadi Chikka Bhopalana Sangatya’ Murugha Mutt. Dharwad.
10. Basavarajaiah M.S Editor,’Suvimalla totada Siddeshwara Sangathya’, Chandraiah B.N Editor ‘Virakta Thontadaryana Siddeshwara Purana’ Basavaraja Heramba Kaviya ‘Totada Siddeshwara Sangathya’, Depth of Muzarayi Karnataka Gov’t Bangalore.
11. ‘Stavarakalivuntu Jangammakkalivilla ‘ A quote in Vachana by Basaveshwara means structures may vanish but not the society or souls.
12. Mackenzie’s unpublished English Document
13. Ibid.
14. Rudramma’s W/0 Siddalingaiah (late retd Tahasildar belonged to Jangama matt family) information.
15. Mackenzie’s unpublished English Document(1801).
16. Ibid.