Vishal Yadav, Tarun Mishra, Trayambak Tiwari, Tara Singh, Indramani L. Singh, Anju Lata Singh
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Vishal Yadav1, Tarun Mishra2*, Trayambak Tiwari3, Tara Singh4, Indramani L. Singh5, Anju Lata Singh
1Research Scholar, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
2Post-Doctoral Fellow, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
3Cognitive Science Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
4HOD and Professor, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
5Professor, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
6Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Vasanta Kanya Mahavidhyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 10,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2019
The present study was intended to explore the effect of time durations on time perception using prospective judgment of time paradigm. The dual task paradigm was used for the study. The primary task was intended to estimate elapsed time while performing the executive task and secondary task was design to measure executive performance. A reproduction method was used to estimate the time judgment of the participants. Thirty five students from Banaras Hindu University were taken as participants with age ranged from of 20 to 26 years (21.51 years, SD=1.50). Ratio and Absolute error was derived from observed reproduction of time and considered as dependent measure. The findings reveled that Accuracy of time estimation is better under short time duration in comparison to medium and long time duration. Further, it was also found that participants underestimated the period of time-on- task more under longer duration condition in comparison to medium and short time duration of executive task.
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Vishal Yadav, Tarun Mishra, Trayambak Tiwari, Tara Singh, Indramani L. Singh, Anju Lata Singh. Temporal Interval as a Function of Prospective Judgment of time Perception. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2019; 10(2):542-546. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2019.00089.5
Vishal Yadav, Tarun Mishra, Trayambak Tiwari, Tara Singh, Indramani L. Singh, Anju Lata Singh. Temporal Interval as a Function of Prospective Judgment of time Perception. Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2019; 10(2):542-546. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2019.00089.5 Available on: