Sekhar Brahma, Rajasree Das
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Dr. Sekhar Brahma1, Rajasree Das2*
1Registrar, Bodoland University, Assam, India.
2Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of History, Bodoland University, Assam, India.
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Published In:
Volume - 8,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2017
The rulers of Bijni Raj Estate contributed greatly towards the development of Education. Specifically the later rulers of Bijni Dynasty established many educational institutions for the moral as well as intellectual development of their subjects. Queen Abhayeswari although uneducated but realised the importance of education and opened schools for both boys and girls separately. When the whole Assam was lagging behind in respect of female education, the rulers of Bijni Dynasty exhibited exceptional interest by establishing separate school for girls. The rulers of Bijni Raj Estate did not confine their duties by establishing schools only. They also bore the expenditure of food, lodging and education of the students who studied in the schools of their estate. They also provided scholarships for the poor and needy students which attracted the students from entire Assam. For the purpose of providing quality education to the students the Bijni Rajas brought qualified senior teachers from outside of the state by giving handsome salary. They invested much money for the development of education which shows their greatness as well as their indomitable will to improve the educational backwardness that prevailed in Bijni Raj Estate. This article is an attempt to discuss about the contribution of the Bijni Rajas towards the development of education in Bijni Raj Estate, during Pre British and early British period.
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Sekhar Brahma, Rajasree Das. Contribution of the Bijni Rajas towards the Development of Education: A Study in Historical Perspective. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 8(3): July- September, 2017, 341-344. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00050.X
Sekhar Brahma, Rajasree Das. Contribution of the Bijni Rajas towards the Development of Education: A Study in Historical Perspective. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 8(3): July- September, 2017, 341-344. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00050.X Available on: