Author(s): Asmita Patel, Arpit Guru


DOI: Not Available

Address: Asmita Patel and Arpit Guru
Hidayatullah National Law University, Uparwara Post, Tehsil Abhanpur, New Raipur - 493661 (C.G.)
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Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2012

This paper is about Dialectical materialism of Marxist theorizing, composed of a synthesis of Hegel's dialectics and Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach's materialism, based upon an interpretation of Karl Marx's work. The research methedology used in this paper is Doctrinal research which is descriptive and analytical in nature. Secondary and Electronic resources have been largely used to gather information and data about the topic. The objective of this paper is to study Marx’s views on Dialectical Materialism and the materialistic interpretation of history and its criticism. The paper has been divided in nine chapters starting from introduction of the Marx’s dialecticals to its criticism and lastly conclusion.

Cite this article:
Asmita Patel , Arpit Guru. Marx’s Views on Dialectical Materialism and Materialistic Interpretation of History. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 3(2): April-June, 2012, 165-169.

Asmita Patel , Arpit Guru. Marx’s Views on Dialectical Materialism and Materialistic Interpretation of History. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 3(2): April-June, 2012, 165-169.   Available on:

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RNI: Not Available                     
DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828 

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