Author(s): Pramesh Kumar Kesharwani

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

DOI: 10.52711/2321-5828.2022.00016   

Address: Pramesh Kumar Kesharwani
PhD. Student, Kalinga University, Raipur C.G.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2022

The Indian advertising industry has emerged as one of the major industries and has broadened its horizons in the field of marketing. The creative minds of the Indian advertising industry have come up with challenging concepts and works that are termed as works of art especially in the field of advertising. With the huge innovative development of electronic media, advertising has grown as an organized industry. With the advent of radio, television, print and internet it has been able to gain much potential. Consumers generally do not realize just how influenced they are by advertisements. They do not understand that most advertising messages are created depending on their strategic thinking. Identifying an essence, an emotion which makes people crave for a product or service is what most advertisers do. If an advertisement is able to tap into meaningful emotional, psychological or sociological factors, more often it can result in success. Advertising technique is beginning to move viewers from the traditional outlets to the digital ones. Earlier marketing of products were done with banners and hoarding advertisements, which then grew to television broadcasts and now with the maximum usage of the internet, advertising arc is moving towards online. The rapid growth of the internet has a strong impact on the worldwide marketing environment. Moreover, the internet as a medium plays an important role in attracting customers because of its flexibility and interactivity. Currently it has become one of the most popular approaches for business and consumers to perform trade over the internet. Penetration of social networks in the 1990's has changed our societies communication patterns and also the relations among people. Advertising is one of the most powerful and efficient modes of mass communication and the purposes are to bring awareness of the advertised products and provide information that will assist consumers to make purchase decisions. It has the power to persuade consumers to purchase products, by influencing attitude and behaviour intention.

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Pramesh Kumar Kesharwani. Impact of Social Media Advertisement on Youth. Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2022;13(2):96-0. doi: 10.52711/2321-5828.2022.00016

Pramesh Kumar Kesharwani. Impact of Social Media Advertisement on Youth. Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2022;13(2):96-0. doi: 10.52711/2321-5828.2022.00016   Available on:

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