Author(s): Chinmay Murali, Amala S. Charulatha


DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00036.5   

Address: Chinmay Murali*, Amala S. Charulatha
1M. Phil. Scholar, English Department, Sree Shankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kerala - 683574
2Ph.D. Scholar, School of Literary Studies, EFL University, Hyderabad - 500007
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 8,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2017

Before the advent of the new media, the traditional media was the sole authority on matters pertaining to election coverage, but in the 2016 US Presidential election the new media took charge. When the traditional media became a mouth-piece for the establishment and demonized Trump, the new media let him say what he wanted to say, in the manner that he wanted to say it. The type of campaigning that was done by the candidates and the scale in which new media was employed was unprecedented. ‘New Media and the 2016 US Presidential Election: A Case Study’ is a case study of the US election held in 2016, to determine the nature and scope of the decisive role played by the new media. The paper argues that the campaigning of the political parties and the final result of the election bear testimony to the significance of the new media in the electoral process. But its role had been far from being a space of critical debates and discussions which could mould public opinion.

Cite this article:
Chinmay Murali, Amala S. Charulatha. New Media and the 2016 US Presidential Election: A Case Study. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 8(2): April- June, 2017, 244-254. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00036.5

Chinmay Murali, Amala S. Charulatha. New Media and the 2016 US Presidential Election: A Case Study. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 8(2): April- June, 2017, 244-254. doi: 10.5958/2321-5828.2017.00036.5   Available on:

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