Author(s): Mahendra Kumar Premi, Ravindra Kumar Chapdi


DOI: Not Available

Address: Mahendra Kumar Premi1 and Ravindra Kumar Chapdi2
1Ph.D. Research Scholar SOS in Comparative Religion, Philosophy and Yoga, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, C. G.
2Ph.D. Research Scholar SOS in Religions and Philosophy from Gospel and Plough School of Theology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Science, (Deemed-to-be-University) Allahabad, U. P., India.
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Published In:   Volume - 5,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2014

Religious pluralism is an issue arising out of our present day interaction with the faith around us. Religion may be understood as an expression of the human search for an ultimate truth or desire to have union with ultimate reality and understood in cultural term as an expression of a particular way of life. Religious pluralism typically is the belief that all the religions are essentially “True” or at least valid. This is the contrast with the religious Exclusivist which believes that one religion is correct and the rest is wrong / invalid and religious inclusive where more than one may be true / valid but not necessarily all of them. Today religious pluralism presents multiple challenges on various levels and people are confronting with new questions like. All religions are related, or essentially the same, or essentially true, or essentially just beliefs and do all religions lead to God? How to answer the questions raised by many religious people which are experienced in our day today life. This article is responded by Christian view of to Religious pluralism and Dialogue.

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Mahendra Kumar Premi, Ravindra Kumar Chapdi. Issues of Religious Pluralism and Dialogue. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 5(1): January-March, 2014, 73-78.

Mahendra Kumar Premi, Ravindra Kumar Chapdi. Issues of Religious Pluralism and Dialogue. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 5(1): January-March, 2014, 73-78.   Available on:

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Author(s): Mahendra Kumar Premi, Ravindra Kumar Chapdi

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RNI: Not Available                     
DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828 

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