Facism is one of the most important government strategies today, especially in develop regions; this fact would be very difficult for the educated ones to accept. The word fascism has been derived from the Italian word “fascio” which means bundle or group. Fascism is primarily used to identify the social, economic and political system that was established in Italy in 1922 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini and his fascist party. It is also used to identify a prototype of totalitarianism that had its equally vigorous manifestation in Germany after 1933 under the leader ship of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Party. Though Nazism is the German version of Fascism, the common point is that both stand for the ideology of the totalitarianism of the right. Thus, it is defined as a “political attitude which puts the nation-state or race, its power and growth in the center of life and history. It disregards the individual and his rights, as well as humanity; it follows the lead of the totalitarian bolshevism as a single-party state with a strict regimentation of all aspects of national life.”
Fascism is an ideology of the present century, which originally emerged as an Italian movement led by Mussolini. The very word ‘ fasciare’ means to bind or to envelope and for this reason, the movement was intended by its founders and is ardent followers as a doctrine that would bind, once and for all, the entire Italian nation into an organic entity so as to restore the great tradition of the ancient Roman Empire. The notable thing about Fascism is that it emerged as a movement and its social, economic and political philosophy appeared after about a couple of years at the hands of great theoreticians of this movement who occupied important positions in the Government of Prime Minister Mussolini. Its core was laid down by Alfredo Rocco( Mussolini’s Minister for Justice) who in 1925 produced his thesis on the ‘ Political Doctrines of Fascism’ in which he proved himself as a vigorous admirer of Machievelli and a supporter of the idea of the supreme power of the organic nation-state in the tradition of Hegel.
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Jaya Kosley, . Fasicm and Tenents. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 3(1): Jan- March, 2012, 149-150
Jaya Kosley, . Fasicm and Tenents. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 3(1): Jan- March, 2012, 149-150
. Available on: https://rjhssonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2012-3-1-33