Population Distribution and Population Density pattern in Bara Tehsil of Prayagraj District: A Geographical Study
Shailendra Kumar
Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Rana Pratap P.G. College, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: shailendragic10@gmail.com
There are 2 development blocks, 19 Nyaya Panchayats and 1 urban area Shankargarh in Bara tehsil of Prayagraj district. Due to various social, economic and physical factors, spatial disparity is seen in population distribution and population density in the study area Bara tehsil. Due to this reason, spatial disparity is also seen in population distribution and population density at Nyaya Panchayat level in the tehsil. The main objective of this research paper is to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of population distribution and population density at Nyaya Panchayat level for the projected year 2021 in the tehsil. The presented research paper is based on secondary data, which has been obtained from the Census Handbook of Prayagraj district for the year 2001 and 2011. With the help of demographic data of the year 2001 and 2011, the projected population density and population distribution for the year 2021 has been estimated. Arithmetic method has been used for population projection. According to this study, the highest population distribution for the projected year 2021 in the study area Bara tehsil is in Nyay Panchayat Jasra while the lowest is in Sidhikar Nyay Panchayat. In the study area Bara tehsil, the highest population density is in the urban area Shankargarh, while at the Nyay Panchayat level, the highest is in Jasra and the lowest is in Sidhtikar Nyay Panchayat.
KEYWORDS: Natural resources, Land use, Population distribution, Population pressure.
Population distribution means the geographical and spatial study of how the population is distributed in an area. Population distribution is a dynamic process which keeps on changing with time. The population distribution pattern in an area is influenced by various social, economic and physical factors. Factors like availability of natural resources, suitable climatic conditions, good economic condition and social stability attract the population in an area, and such areas have higher population. That is why the study of the interrelationship between population distribution and various factors affecting it becomes important.
The population distribution pattern in an area is a mixed synthesis of all the geographical factors operating in that area (Chandana, 1969). Birth rate, death rate, migration these three factors also affect the population distribution and change in an area (Chesnais, 1998).
Figure 1: Location Map of Bara Tehsil
Population distribution and density, though not the same, are so interrelated that they can be studied together. Population distribution can be defined as the population of a country or community with respect to its area. It includes the total resident population living in that area (Bogue, 1959). The term population density was first used by Henry in 1937 while preparing a railway map. Population density indicates the population living per unit area (Chandana and Sidhu, 1980). Population density is the ratio of population and area, which is used as a measure of population concentration. Population density represents the average population per km2 (Bhende, 2010). Generally, population density is helpful in understanding the pattern of population distribution. Population density indicates the balance between available natural resources and population of an area (Ashish, 1973). Population distribution is a spatial concept while population density is a proportional concept (Chandana, 1996). Population distribution highlights the spatial population distribution in an area such as linear, condensed, spread etc. while population density indicates the ratio between population and area.
Prayagraj is divided into 7 tehsils (Soraon, Phulpur, Handia, Meja, Karchana, Koraon, Bara) and one urban area Sadar. Study area Bara tehsil has two development blocks - Jasra and Shankargarh. Jasra block covers 36.4% of the tehsil area and Shankargarh block covers the remaining area. The total area of Bara tehsil is 744 km2, out of which 735.852 km is rural area and the remaining 8.36 km2 is urban area. There are about 325 villages in Bara tehsil, out of which 114 villages are located in Jasra block and 211 villages in Shankargarh block. There are a total of 19 Nyaya Panchayats, out of which 9 are in Jasra and 11 in Shankargarh block (Figure 1).
Bara tehsil is located in the transition zone between Yamuna and Tons rivers in the southwest of Prayagraj district. The latitudinal extension of Bara tehsil is between 250 2' 30" to 250 22' 30" north latitude and longitudinal extension is between 810 31' to 810 50' east latitude and its area is about 744 km2. The length of the study area is 33.82 km from east to west and width is 33.77 km from north to south. Bara tehsil is connected to Prayagraj city in the north, Karchana tehsil in the east, Meja and Koraon tehsils in the south-east. Rewa region of Madhya Pradesh state is situated to the south of Bara tehsil, Chitrakoot in the south-west and Kaushambi district in the west.
The following are the main objectives of the present research paper:
1. To study the population distribution pattern of Nyaya Panchayat in the tehsil.
2. To analyze the population density pattern of Nyaya Panchayat in the tehsil.
3. To study the disparities in the spatial distribution pattern of population distribution and density in the tehsil.
The present research paper is based on secondary data. The secondary data used in this research paper has been obtained from Census Handbook, District Prayagraj year 2001, 2011. Tables, maps, graphs and pie diagrams have been prepared with the help of computer. Arc GIS software has been used for the preparation of the map. This research paper is based on explanatory and analytical research method. With the help of demographic data of the year 2001 and 2011, the projected population density and population distribution for the year 2021 has been estimated. Arithmetic method has been used for population projection. The following formula has been used for population density estimation –
Arithmetic population density = Total population/ Total area
Population distribution and population density pattern in any area is affected by various social, economic and physical factors. Due to this, local disparity is also seen in the population distribution and population density pattern at the Nyaya Panchayat level in Bara Tehsil. The following is the Nyaya Panchayat wise population distribution and population density pattern in Bara Tehsil
Population Distribution:
In Bara Tehsil, in the projected year 2021, at the development block level, Jasra and Shankargarh have 47.88% and 52.12% population distribution respectively.
Table 1: Nyay Panchayat wise population distribution in Bara Tehsil
Block |
Nyay Panchayat |
Total Population |
Population Distribution (%) |
2001 |
2011 |
Projected 2021 |
2001 |
2011 |
Projected 2021 |
Jasra |
Manpur |
18086 |
21453 |
25529 |
6.19 |
5.86 |
5.57 |
Tikri Kalan |
12735 |
15898 |
19840 |
4.36 |
4.34 |
4.33 |
Parsara |
16935 |
20427 |
24512 |
5.8 |
5.58 |
5.35 |
Jasra |
21864 |
26309 |
31570 |
7.49 |
7.19 |
6.94 |
Ghurpur |
15701 |
20439 |
26570 |
5.38 |
5.59 |
5.8 |
Kanti |
16487 |
21605 |
28302 |
5.64 |
5.9 |
6.1 |
Asarwai |
15073 |
18084 |
21700 |
5.16 |
4.94 |
4.74 |
Lotarh |
13674 |
17356 |
21868 |
4.68 |
4.74 |
4.77 |
Gauhani |
12676 |
15614 |
19205 |
4.34 |
4.27 |
4.19 |
Shankargarh |
Bhatpura |
14538 |
17021 |
19914 |
4.98 |
4.6 |
4.35 |
Golhaiya |
20162 |
24726 |
30165 |
6.9 |
6.76 |
6.59 |
Nivi |
14700 |
19318 |
25306 |
5.03 |
5.28 |
5.53 |
Amgodar |
13242 |
17393 |
22784 |
4.53 |
4.75 |
4.97 |
Jorwat |
10194 |
13495 |
17813 |
3.49 |
3.69 |
3.89 |
Sidhtikar |
7670 |
10223 |
13596 |
2.62 |
2.79 |
2.9 |
Surwal Sahini |
16783 |
21760 |
28070 |
5.75 |
5.95 |
6.1 |
Bashra Uperhar |
11833 |
14535 |
17732 |
4.05 |
3.97 |
3.8 |
Nauriha Uperhar |
10452 |
12761 |
15568 |
4.37 |
3.49 |
3.4 |
Lohra |
15912 |
19403 |
23477 |
5.45 |
5.3 |
5.1 |
Shankargarh |
13102 |
17785 |
24009 |
4.48 |
4.86 |
5.24 |
Jasra Block |
143231 |
177185 |
219096 |
49.09 |
48.46 |
47.88 |
Shankargarh Block |
148588 |
188420 |
238434 |
50.91 |
51.54 |
52.12 |
Bara Tehsil |
291819 |
365605 |
457530 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Source: Census Handbook, Prayagraj District, Year 2001, 2011
In the study area Bara Tehsil, the highest population distribution for the projected year 2021 is in Nyaya Panchayat Jasra while the lowest is in Sidhitikar Nyaya Panchayat. The Nyaya Panchayat wise population distribution in Bara Tehsil for the projected year 2021 can be divided into the following three categories –
1) High (>6%) – This class includes Jasra, Kanti, Golhaiya, Surval sahini Nyaya Panchayats.
2) Medium (4-6%) – This class includes Shankargarh, Lohra, Amgodar, Nivi, Bhatpara, Gauhani, Lotarh, Asarwai, Ghurpur, Manpur, Tikri kalan Nyaya Panchayats.
3) Low (4%<) – This class includes Jorwat, Sidhtikar, Bashra Uparhar, Nauriha Uparhar Nyaya Panchayats
Figure 2: Population Distribution Map, Year 2011 & Projected 2021
Population Density Pattern:
Table 2: Population density distribution in Nyaya Panchayats of Bara Tehsil
Block |
Nyay Panchayat |
Total Area (Km2) |
Total Population |
Population Density |
2001 |
2011 |
Projected 2021 |
2001 |
2011 |
Projected 2021 |
Jasra |
Manpur |
38.758 |
18086 |
21453 |
25529 |
466 |
554 |
659 |
Tikri Kalan |
28.89 |
12735 |
15898 |
19840 |
440 |
553 |
686 |
Parsara |
34.86 |
16935 |
20427 |
24512 |
485 |
586 |
703 |
Jasra |
22.8 |
21864 |
26309 |
31570 |
959 |
1153 |
1384 |
Ghurpur |
23.9 |
15701 |
20439 |
26570 |
657 |
855 |
1111 |
Kanti |
22.31 |
16487 |
21605 |
28302 |
739 |
968 |
1268 |
Asarwai |
31.47 |
15073 |
18084 |
21700 |
479 |
575 |
689 |
Lotarh |
26.95 |
13674 |
17356 |
21868 |
507 |
644 |
811 |
Gauhani |
25.87 |
12676 |
15614 |
19205 |
490 |
604 |
742 |
Bhatpura |
40.43 |
14538 |
17021 |
19914 |
359 |
421 |
492 |
Shankargarh |
Golhaiya |
66.08 |
20162 |
24726 |
30165 |
305 |
374 |
456 |
Nivi |
50.79 |
14700 |
19318 |
25306 |
289 |
380 |
498 |
Amgodar |
56.6 |
13242 |
17393 |
22784 |
234 |
307 |
402 |
Jorwat |
36.73 |
10194 |
13495 |
17813 |
277 |
367 |
485 |
Sidhtikar |
37.25 |
7670 |
10223 |
13596 |
206 |
274 |
365 |
Surwal Sahini |
52.09 |
16783 |
21760 |
28070 |
322 |
418 |
539 |
Bashra Uperhar |
47.5 |
11833 |
14535 |
17732 |
249 |
306 |
373 |
Nauriha Uperhar |
39.51 |
10452 |
12761 |
15568 |
264 |
323 |
394 |
Lohra |
57.9 |
15912 |
19403 |
23477 |
275 |
335 |
405 |
Shankargarh |
2.96 |
13102 |
17785 |
24009 |
4426 |
6008 |
8111 |
Jasra Block |
255.80 |
143231 |
177185 |
219096 |
560 |
693 |
856 |
Shankargarh Block |
487.84 |
148588 |
188420 |
238434 |
304 |
386 |
488 |
Bara Tehsil |
743.64 |
291819 |
365605 |
457530 |
392 |
491 |
615 |
Source: Census Handbook, District Prayagraj, Year 2001, 2011
According to the projected population 2021, the population density in Bara tehsil is 615persons/km2, whereas at the development block level, Jasra and Shankargarh have 856 and 488 persons/km2 respectively. In the study area Bara tehsil, the highest population density is in the urban area Shankargarh, whereas at the Nyaya Panchayat level, the highest is in Jasra and the lowest is in Sidhtikar Nyaya Panchayat. The Nyaya
Panchayat wise population density distribution in Bara tehsil for the projected year 2021 can be divided into the following three categories -
1) High (>1000) – This category includes Shankargarh, Jasra, Ghurpur, Kanti Nyaya Panchayats. In these Nyaya Panchayats, the population density is high due to good social, economic facilities and proximity to the urban area.
2) Medium (500- 1000) – This class includes Surval sahini, Gauhani, Lotrah, Asarwai, Parsara, Manpur Tikri kalan Nyay Panchayats.
3) Low (500<) – This class includes Bhatpara, Golhaiya, Neevi, Amgodar, Jorwat, Sidhtikar, Bashra Uparhar, Nauriha Uparhar, Lohara Nyay Panchayats. In these Nyay Panchayats, agricultural facilities, water resource base, irrigation facilities are of low grade and due to the abundance of barren land and fallow land, the population density is low.
Figure 3: Population Density Pattern Map ,Year 2011 & Projected 2021
Population distribution and population density in any area is affected by various social, economic and physical factors. There is a lot of disparity in the spatial distribution of population distribution and population density in the study area Bara Tehsil. According to this study, the highest population distribution for the projected year 2021 in Bara Tehsil is in Nyay Panchayat Jasra while the lowest is in Sidhitikar Nyay Panchayat. The highest population density in Bara Tehsil is in the urban area Shankargarh, while at the Nyay Panchayat level, the highest is in Jasra and the lowest is in Sidhitikar Nyay Panchayat. Due to proximity to the urban area of Prayagraj district, the Nyay Panchayats of Jasra development block have higher population density than the Nyay Panchayats of Shankargarh development block. In those Nyay Panchayats where the level of agriculture and human resource development such as fertile soil, good irrigation facility, good education, health facility, employment oriented training, availability of employment, banking etc. is of high grade, there is more population density.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Supervisor Prof. (Dr.) D.K. Tripathi, Principal, Rana Pratap P.G. College Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, for his invaluable support and important directions during the writing of this research work.
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Received on 08.08.2024 Revised on 09.09.2024 Accepted on 30.09.2024 Published on 05.12.2024 Available online on December 31, 2024 Res. J. of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2024;15(4):268-272. DOI: 10.52711/2321-5828.2024.00040 ©AandV Publications All right reserved