United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the science of desalination- a far-reaching Review
Sukanchan Palit
Consultant, 43, Judges Bagan, Post-Office- Haridevpur, Kolkata - 700082, India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: sukanchan68@gmail.com, sukanchan92@gmail.com, sukanchanp@rediffmail.com
Human civilization, science and technology are today in the midst of immense scientific rejuvenation, scientific ingenuity and engineering vision. Human scientific stance and ingenuity are in the middle of deep engineering catastrophe as regards provision of clean drinking water, proper sanitation and proper public health engineering. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are today the pillars of man and mankind today. The domains of membrane science and desalination are the needs of science and technology today. The author deeply reiterates the veritable needs of the science of desalination in drinking water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment. In this article the author deeply touches upon the application areas and the concepts behind the application of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which includes provision of pure drinking water. The vision of this study is to target the areas of water integrity and water sustainability in the futuristic vision and futuristic ingenuity of environmental engineering science and chemical process engineering.
KEYWORDS: Sustainability, Environment, Water, Desalination, Energy, Resources, Nanotechnology.
Science, technology, engineering and medicine today stands in the middle of deep scientific introspection and vision. Industrial wastewater treatment and drinking water treatment are the cornerstones of scientific research pursuit in the global engineering landscape. Provision of clean drinking water, proper sanitation and proper human habitat are the pillars of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Science and technology today has practically no answers to the ravaging impact of arsenic groundwater contamination. Drinking water contamination by arsenic and other heavy metals are in the process of an unimaginable catastrophe. Rapid industrialization and mass manufacturing are the burdens of human mankind today.
Thus the need of desalination science and membrane science in the economic progress of a nation. Renewable energy and energy resources sustainability are the other sides of the visionary coin. The author deeply stresses in this article the immense and vast needs of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the futuristic vision of the science of environmental sustainability and energy resources sustainability. Water resilience and climate resilience are the utmost needs of human civilization and human scientific progress today. Without application of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, man, mankind and scientific vision cannot move forward. Civilization today stands in the middle of vast scientific introspection and engineering forbearance. A brief scientific understanding and knowledge prowess in the field of membrane science and desalination will surely usher in a newer era in the field of chemical process engineering, environmental engineering and water sustainability.
2.0 Vision behind the present treatise:
Science, vision and mankind are today in the path of newer scientific divination and engineering ingenuity. The primary aim and objective of this study is to delineate the immense needs of desalination techniques and membrane science in the futuristic vision of global environmental engineering science. The question of arsenic and heavy metal groundwater remediation still remains unanswered till today. Millions of people around the globe are without pure drinking water and proper sanitation. Public health engineering is in a state of immense engineering distress. There is thus an utmost need of scientific provenance and scientific revelation. Also there is an immense need of the science of human sustainability and drinking water treatment. The author deeply stresses on the engineering and technological issues in the application of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
3.0 Vision, challenges and the doctrine of membrane science:
Membrane science and membrane separation processes today are in the middle of deep scientific comprehension and engineering vision. Circular economy and environmental management are the utmost needs of the hour. Human civilization, engineering science and technology are in the process of newer rejuvenation. Membrane science applications are immensely beset with scientific fortitude and engineering providence. The ardor and the immense challenges lies in the hands of scientists, engineers and policy makers across the world. Membrane fouling needs to be tackled with the futuristic vision of water and wastewater treatment. Pillars of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals needs to be re-envisioned with the passage of visionary history and time. Countries across the world are in the need of holistic sustainable development and appropriate public health engineering. Environmental and energy resources sustainability are in the path of newer rejuvenation and scientific regeneration. Millions of people across the globe are till today without clean drinking water as arsenic and heavy metal groundwater contamination ravages the entire planet. People, planet and profit are the coinwords of human civilization today. Scientific revelation, scientific benediction and engineering marksmanship will surely lead a long and visionary way in unfurling the scientific truth and engineering triumph in the field of environmental engineering science.
4.0 The scientific doctrine of desalination:
The scientific doctrine of desalination and membrane science are today intertwined with each other. Desalination and water treatment are today integrated with each other. Desalination and drinking water treatment are the absolute needs of the human civilization today. In underprivileged nations across the world, proper sanitation and proper human habitat are in a state of absolute distress. Sustainable water resource management and intelligent management will surely open newer areas of scientific divination in decades to come. Poverty, hunger, struggle and hardship needs to be eradicated in developing and underprivileged nations across the world. Scientific splendor, scientific triumph and ever-reaching vision will be the pallbearers of humanitarian and global science today. The author deeply stresses on these burning environmental engineering issues. Desalination, membrane separation techniques and water and wastewater treatment needs to be integrated with each other. In the similar vision, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals should be interspersed with the vast and visionary domain of desalination and water treatment. Scientific provenance, scientific ingenuity and scientific prowess in the field of United Nations and Global Sustainable Development Goals will surely usher in a newer era in the field of human sustainability, water integrity and environmental sustainability. Human sustainability and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are the utmost needs of the hour. The author pointedly focuses on the need of environmental and energy resources sustainability in the true futuristic vision and the true futuristic understanding of global sustainability issues.
5.0 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and water sustainability:
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and its applications in water sustainability today stands in the midst of immense scientific comprehension and deep vision. The science of water science, technology and water sustainability in the similar vision are in the path of newer scientific and technological rejuvenation. Provision of clean drinking water and proper and effective public health engineering are the pillars of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The visionary words of Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway needs to be reframed and re-envisioned with the scientific treading of human civilization, human sustainability and time. The author deeply stresses on the issues of water sustainability and water integrity in the futuristic emancipation of global environmental engineering and chemical engineering research initiatives. Human habitat and people, planet and profit are two opposite sides of the visionary and remarkable coin. Human civilization will surely overcome poverty, hunger, hardship, and trials and tribulations of human life if policy makers, scientists and researchers across the world takes active steps in the effective implementation of United Nations and Global Sustainable Development Goals.
6.0 Water integrity, water sustainability and the vast vision for the future:
Water integrity and water sustainability are today the vast and visionary areas of futuristic research pursuit. Man and human civilization are today in the similar vision lies in the middle of deep scientific forbearance and deep engineering prowess. Millions of people in underdeveloped nations across the world are beset with immense poverty, hardship, trials and tribulations. Tears of joy have metamorphosed into tears of agony in underdeveloped as well as developing nations across the globe. Water integrity and water sustainability needs to be transformed into environmental engineering tools. The vast vision for the future in the field of alleviation of poverty needs to be reorganized as science, vision, evidence and civilization moves forward. This treatise deeply stresses on the areas of water integrity and water sustainability with deep conscience and scientific conviction. Technology and engineering science of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will surely transform human civilization to a newer epoch in environmental and industrial pollution control.
7.0 Recent scientific advancements in the field of desalination:
Desalination science are the remarkable avenues of water science and technology today. The remarkable areas in the field of water treatment, membrane science, vision and sustainability will open and unravel newer doors of scientific innovation, girth and scientific determination in decades to come. Membrane separation processes are the zenith of global scientific research pursuit and global scientific determination in days to come. People, planet and profit are in a state of immense ecological catastrophe. Loss of ecological and environmental biodiversity are the cornerstones of human scientific determination today. The author in this article discusses with lucid insight the need of desalination science in developed and developing nations across the world. Desalination and membrane science are the utmost needs of surface water and drinking water treatment today.
Hashim et al. (2011)1 deeply discussed with immense vision and lucid insight remediation technologies for heavy metal contaminated groundwater and drinking water. The contamination of groundwater by heavy metals originating either from natural sources or from anthropogenic sources is a matter of immense concern in developing and developed nations across the world. Thus the need of scientific provenance, scientific divination and deep scientific ingenuity in the field of membrane filtration and desalination science. Remediation of contaminated groundwater is of highest priority since millions of people across the world use it for drinking purpose and for proper sanitation. In this article, thirty five approaches for groundwater have been extensively reviewed and classified under three large categories which are chemical, biochemical/biological and physicochemical treatment techniques. Keeping the sustainability issues in mind, the technologies encompassing natural chemistry, bioremediation and biosorption are highly recommended to be adopted in appropriate cases. The authors discussed in minute details heavy metals in groundwater and its sources, chemical property and speciation. Chemical treatment technologies, in-situ reduction by using reductants and reduction by dithionite are the cornerstones of this article. Membrane separation processes of groundwater are one of the challenging areas of environmental engineering science today. Reduction by iron based technologies stands as a major pillar of this comprehensive review. Biological activity in the sub-surface are also discussed in this treatise. The concept of permeable reactive barriers are also discussed in minute details. Adsorption, filtration and other filtration mechanisms are described in details in this article. Electrokinetic treatment of soil and subsurface soil are the other areas of deep introspection.1
Gogate et al. (2004)2 deeply discussed in a review imperative technologies for wastewater treatment which are oxidation technologies at ambient conditions. In present day human civilization, due to the increasing presence of refractory molecules and microorganisms in the wastewater stream, the conventional biological methods cannot be used for complete treatment of the effluent and hence the need of newer technologies and non-conventional environmental engineering tools. The present article deeply highlights five different oxidation processes which are cavitation, photocatalytic oxidation, Fenton’s chemistry, and ozonation. A newer era in the field of advanced oxidation processes is in the path of newer rejuvenation. The authors deeply discussed in minute details cavitation, acoustic cavitation, sonochemical reactors, and hydrodynamic cavitation. An overview of the present work and future work are discussed in minute details2
Science, man and mankind are today in the middle of immense scientific regeneration. Membrane science and desalination are in the newer scientific and engineering rejuvenation. The author in this article deeply reiterates the need of conventional and non-conventional environmental engineering tools such as desalination or advanced oxidation processes in the true futuristic vision of global research and development initiatives.
8.0 Recent scientific and engineering advancements in the field of environmental and energy resources sustainability:
Environmental and energy resources sustainability are the global pallbearers of environmental engineering, chemical engineering and nanotechnology. Application of nanotechnology, conventional and non-conventional engineering tools in environmental remediation are the pillars of United Nations and Global Sustainable Development Goals today. Poverty and hunger in underprivileged nations across the world should be obliterated with the scientific and engineering treads in human race. Civilization, vision and capability should be reframed with the passage of scientific vision and history of time. Human race and human society today needs to target towards energy resources sustainability and renewable energy. The author deeply outlines with profound thought and insight the world of challenges in the field of environmental and energy resources sustainability. A newer age in the field of science and engineering will surely emerge if citizens, policy makers and civil right activists across the globe reiterates the needs of renewable energy in the futuristic vision of science and technology.
Palit et al.(2021)3 deeply discussed in minute details green sustainability and the application of polymer nanocomposites with a vast vision for the future. The authors deeply discussed the scientific doctrine of green sustainability, the vast scientific applications of nanocomposites and the areas of sustainable development and nanotechnology. Recent scientific advances in the field of green and environmental sustainability are the other needs and necessities of human civilization today. Nanocomposites and nanomaterials for environmental protection are the other areas of deep scientific introspection.
Palit et al. (2021)4 discussed with scientific grit and determination mineral and metal industry in the global scenario and environmental sustainability. The concept of environmental sustainability is discussed in minute details. Sustainable resource management, integrated water resource management and the vast vision for the future are also deliberated in minute details. The authors also discussed in details today’s mineral and metal industry and the needs of environmental sustainability. Recent scientific and engineering knowledge prowess in the field of environmental sustainability are discussed in details.4
Science, technology, engineering and medicine are today in the avenues of deep scientific revelation. The authors deeply discussed with deep scientific grit and determination the needs of sustainable development, environmental management and desalination in true futuristic vision.
9.0 Global water shortage and application of desalination:
Application of desalination tools should be in the forefront of human research pursuit today. Global water shortage and the application of desalination are two areas of human scientific endeavor which needs to be effectively stressed upon. Poverty and lack of clean drinking water are ravaging the human planet today. If there is no proper implementation of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, civilization and vision of science cannot move forward. Man and mankind are today in a stage of immense environmental catastrophe and truncated water integrity. Chemical engineering and technology are today in the deep needs of vision, forbearance and scientific fortitude. The vision of nanotechnology, nano-engineering and engineered nanomaterials needs to be re-organized as man and mankind treads and trudges forward. The author deeply elucidates the immense needs of water sustainability and green sustainability in the futuristic vision of environmental engineering sciences and nanotechnology. Application of graphene nanotubes and fullerenes are revolutionizing the vast scientific and engineering landscape. The vast and varied domain of nanomaterials will surely open newer avenues in the field of human race and society in decades to come. The author deeply pronounces the vast and varied needs of water and green sustainability in unfurling the futuristic outlook in nanotechnology and nano-engineering.5,6,7,8,9,10
10.0 The status of research in nanotechnology, biological sciences and biological engineering today:
The status of research in nanotechnology and biofuels are drastically changing the scientific fabric globally today. Biofuels and bioenergy are the utmost needs of the hour as renewable energy scenario assumes immense importance. Today nanotechnology is integrated with diverse areas of science and engineering which includes environmental protection and environmental sustainability. The science of environmental and energy sustainability needs to be envisioned with scientific progress. There should be far-sightedness of science and engineering in the domains of environmental protection and nanotechnology. Research necessities are the mother of invention in present day human civilization. The status of research in biofuels and alternate energy resources are today targeted towards the feasibilities of the renewable energy tools which includes bioenergy and biomass energy. Integrated water resource management, wastewater treatment management and water purification science needs to be thoroughly revamped as the world stands in the midst of unending environmental catastrophes. Arsenic and heavy metal groundwater contamination in many developed and developing nations around the globe are of immense concern to the scientists and engineers. This treatise with deep scientific truth unfolds the research needs, the evergrowing concerns and the global solutions to the water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment scenario. Civilization’s scientific girth and perseverance will surely unfold as regards environmental protection in the distant future. The needs of biological sciences and biological engineering are immense, vast and varied as science, vision, and human race moves forward. The author deeply reiterates with scientific and engineering grit and determination these areas of biological sciences and engineering.11,12,13,14,15,16
11.0 Futuristic vision and futuristic outlook in the field of water and environmental integrity:
Future research needs of science and engineering in present day human civilization are the areas of environmental engineering, nanotechnology, water science and technology and biological sciences. Biological sciences and the vast area of biotechnology are in the process of new beginning, a new vision and a new scientific divination. The futuristic flow of scientific thoughts needs to be readdressed and re-envisioned as science, civilization and mankind moves forward at a rapid pace. The status of research and development initiatives in environmental engineering, chemical process engineering, nanotechnology and biological sciences are in the avenues of ingenuity and profundity. Futuristic flow of scientific thoughts should target the scientific intricacies and the scientific hurdles of laboratory to shop-floor applications. The world of environmental remediation and biofuels are highly challenged. Similarly the domain of green or environmental sustainability. This chapter widens the scientific understanding and the areas of scientific discernment in the domains of biofuels and bioenergy. The futuristic vision of biofuels and bioenergy should definitely target the applications domain. The future research needs and the future research initiatives needs to be revamped and realigned as growing concerns for climate change and loss of ecological biodiversity mounts in a vicious manner. The future also belongs to material science and composite science. This treatise will surely reach the environmental engineers and nanotechnologists and open new doors of scientific innovation, ardour and instinct in years to come. Water integrity and water sustainability will open newer doors of innovation and scientific ingenuity in years to come.
12.0 Future recommendations of this study:
Future recommendations of this detailed investigation needs to be re-envisioned and restructured as environmental protection science, water purification science and industrial wastewater treatment ushers in a new era. Biofuels and renewable energy scenario globally are immensely bright and inspiring. Biomass energy are in the path of new scientific divination and vast and varied scientific ingenuity. Future of the field of renewable energy is slowly surpassing visionary scientific frontiers. The areas of research endeavour in the field of nanocomposites should be targeted towards application areas in environmental engineering and chemical process engineering. Chemical process engineering, environmental engineering and nanotechnology are today connected with each other. The author with immense academic and scientific rigor elucidates on the scientific success, the provenance of environmental protection and the vast scientific doctrine and ingenuity in the application areas of green sustainability. The future of science and engineering of biofuels and bionanocomposites and its applications are immensely bright and far-reaching. This treatise targets the scientific needs of humanity such as environmental protection and biological sciences. Without vision and without ingenuity, science and technology cannot move forward. This chapter widens these definite visions of environmental remediation and water purification science with the interfaces and application areas of biofuels and bionanocomposites. It is absolutely sure that the world of challenges in environmental remediation will witness a new dawn and the scientific issues of climate change, global warming and depletion of fossil fuel resources will be thoroughly mitigated and resolved. A new beginning, a newer scientific doctrine and sagacity will emerge in the scientific horizon as civilization moves forward. Future recommendations of this study will surely target newer areas of renewable energy and energy resources sustainability. A wondrous era in the field of engineering and technology will emerge if science and civilization targets newer areas of nanotechnology and nano-engineering.
13.0 Conclusion, future outlook and engineering perspectives:
The world of biological sciences, biofuels and environmental protection are in the middle of vision, scientific ingenuity and immense scientific farsightedness. Today the domain of nanotechnology, material science and composites are gearing forward towards new challenges. The domain of biofuels and bionanocomposites are in the process of new scientific rejuvenation. The future environmental and scientific perspectives needs to be redrawn as civil society and the scientific domain moves forward. Technological and engineering challenges are immense, vital and visionary as environmental remediation science treads forward. Green and environmental sustainability in the similar vein are surpassing scientific frontiers. The future scientific perspectives in the field of environmental engineering and green sustainability needs to be re-envisioned if the world of science and engineering are to confront global climate change and loss of ecological biodiversity. Industrial systems engineering and technology management needs to be linked with integrated water resource management and wastewater management with the progress of science, mankind and scientific forbearance. In this paper the author veritably pronounces the scientific intricacies, the scientific trustworthiness and the vast world of scientific ingenuity in the field of bionanocomposites and biofuels. Renewable energy engineering and technology are the coinwords of scientific research pursuit in modern civilization. The issues of application of biofuels and bionanocomposites in present day human civilization are the cornerstones of this research endeavour. The future recommendations and the futuristic vision of environmental protection and environmental engineering needs to be connected to the vast and versatile areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Thus a new dawn of science and engineering will evolve and mankind’s immense scientific prowess will be realized with the progress of environmental engineering science and green sustainability. Technological advancements and the world of scientific validation in environmental engineering and chemical process engineering thus will witness a new beginning as civilization moves forward. The science of sustainability and mankind will surely usher in a newer avenue in both environmental engineering and nanotechnology. The author deeply with lucid insight addresses these scientific and engineering problems of implementation of United Nations and Global Sustainable Development Goals.
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Received on 04.11.2023 Modified on 08.01.2024
Accepted on 13.02.2024 ©AandV Publications All right reserved
Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2024;15(1)57-62.
DOI: 10.52711/2321-5828.2024.00010