0975-6795 (Online) 2321-5828 (Print)
Author(s): Kamalnath Nayak, Sujit Choudhury
DOI: Not Available
Address: Kamalnath Nayak* and Dr. Sujit Choudhury Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur Chhattisgarh *Corresponding Author:
Published In: Volume - 2, Issue - 4, Year - 2011
Cite this article: Kamalnath Nayak, Sujit Choudhury. Methodological Orientation of Emile Durkhiem. Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2(4): Oct. - Dec., 2011, 188-192.
DOI: Access: Open Access Read More
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Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (RJHSS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal, correspondence in the fields of arts, commerce and social sciences....... Read more >>>
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